Informal settlements needs and environmental conservation in Mexico City: An unsolved challenge for land-use policy. Adrián Guillermo Aguilar y Clemencia Santos Vol. 28 | Núm. 4 | 2011 Cítese como: Aguilar, A. y Santos, C., (2011), Informal settlements need and environmental conservation in Mexico City: An unsolved challenge for land- use policy, en Land use policy , 28(4), Pp. 649- 662. |
ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to analyze the effectiveness of land-use policy in Mexico City in controlling the expansion of informal human settlements in peri-urban zones of high ecological value. It is argued that Mexico City's land-use policy has been reactive and internally inconsistent, failing to the informal settlements into account, has not offered the poor access to housing with adequate services and greater security in terms of land ternure, lacks the necessary financial resources and institutional capabilities for providing solutions to these problems. Through a case study of informal settlement management policy in the Tlalpan Delegation, applied in what has been termed SC or "conservation Land", we conclude that local government exhibits an inability to confront the challenge of urban sustainability, that it resorts to conventional solutions which give rise to contradictory situations where political decision-making prevails over ecological considerations, so land-use policy is permissive and does not halt informal urban expansion in areas of high environmental value.
Informal settlements, Land- use policy. environmmental impact, peripheral urbanization, Mexico City |