International Handbook of Urban Systems. Studies of Urbanization and Migration in Advanced and Developing Countries.
Capítulo: Evolution and Maturing of the Mexican Urban System.
Coordinadores: H. S. Geyer Autor de capítulo: Adrian Guillermo Aguilar and Boris Graizbord ISBN: 1-84064-900-3 Edición: 2002 Editorial: Edward Elgar Publishing, lnc. Cítese como: Aguilar, A. and B. Graizbord (2002). Evolution and Maturing of the Mexican Urban System, en H. S. Geyer (Coord.). International Handbook of Urban Systems. Studies of Urbanization and Migration in Advanced and Developing Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, (pp. 419-454) |
Reseña del Libro: This authoritative Handbook provides a comprehensive account of migration and economic development throughout the world, in both developed and developing countries. Some of the world's most experienced researchers in this field look at how population redistribution patterns have impacted on urban development in a wide selection of advanced and developing countries in all the major regions of the world over the past half century. The study results show that, despite local differences there are signs of remarkable similarities in the underlying forces that drive the migration process and urban development across the development spectrum. The International Handbook of Urban Systems is a must for social and economic geographers, urban and regional planners, regional scientists, urban, regional and development economists and sociologists. |